Reconnected with Heather and Toby on Facebook, awesomesauce! Participated in a writing competition with them in November and, because we're uberfantastic, we all won! Although I am far from finishing my story. It was put on hold because the issue I'm dealing with at the ending of part one is very touchy and, if not handled correctly, could destroy the entire story and things in part two! There's a ton of gunpowder on a wooden bridge and I have to cross it with a flaming torch. EEEEEEK!

How about that car there? I don't like BMWs but the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King artwork is awesome! Wonder if the guy plays a DK?

I also spotted this on the net, seriously, I wanna play with these people in the game as they share my passion for The Lich King! And hubby thought I was little too passionate LOL these people outdo me by miles! Not only is the dude with the Lich King license plate one lucky SOB, he's even luckier to be wearing epic loot! Although I can't see Arthas driving an SUV or a beemer...
Health-wise, still not getting any better, although, if I had been able to see a doctor I'd probably be right as rain about now. As it stands, I can't even vacuum without hours of pain afterward. Health insurance through the contractor my hubby is employed through is so ridiculously expensive that we can't afford the co-pay and 20% that isn't covered.
However! Hubby's is now back, after being screwed over by someone and their drug habit, in the good graces of the company he is contracted with and will hopefully get hired on permanently soon! It was scary there for a while. Hubby almost lost his job, which would've meant we'd lose this house. No one ever listens to me. People get this "That won't happen to me" idea in their heads and it drives me crazy to know people are that stupid. Stupid people need to stay out of my life, especially when they put us in that kind of situation. Unforgivable in my opinion. Hubby doesn't like conflict, neither do I, so we agreed to just put that crap behind us and move forward.
Ugh, enough touching on the "bad stuff". If hubby gets hired on permanently that means we don't pay any premium for health insurance, the company takes care of it! Sweet! So even though taking a perma job with them will mean a pay cut, that's $700 less we have to pay a month for health insurance so we'll actually see MORE money and I can go to a doctor to take care of the knees, back, pinched nerve,figuring out my aches and pains and lack of cartilage in my neck! I don't know what I did a couple days ago but my neck is swollen and very tender right now, like it's a huge bruise. Ice hasn't helped. I do need a better pillow though, mine's about 4 years old.
Movies you all should be looking forward to:
Moon (out on DVD finally!)
Source Code
And a movie that has to do with this Celtic barbarian dude with a wicked axe! (okay, that may be a ways off)
We have to do taxes today, it'll be the first time we've done taxes as homeowners! Here's to hoping its a decent return!