Sunday, June 7, 2009
Never Sleeping Again
And its not because of Freddy Krueger. Those dreams. Well some of them are coming true. I've talked to no one, especially those in the dreams, about said dreams and now I'm seeing stuff in those dream "conversations" coming true. Its really weirding me out. Its not just the conversations either. I dreamt last night that my dog would get loose, and it happened when someone failed to mention the back door to the basement was open. Which has been the focus of my furor today. Just shows what one person may think is unimportant information, can turn into a life or death situation for another. Yes, dramatic, how would you feel if your 4 year old
disappeared from the yard with his/her power wheel and headed into big rig traffic? Lots of 18 wheelers in my area since there's a heavy industrial presence here. Not a nice thought. Then there's the "Oh he'll come back." bit. On his own or carried in someone's arms because he was squashed by a trucker who doesn't believe in speed limits? Thankfully, it was a trucker who scared the shit out of him long enough for my son to grab dog. Seriously, when I rounded the corner in the car, there was a big rig parked in the middle of the road just idling where my son and dog were and another man (my dog is deathly afraid of men he doesn't know) blocking the only escape route. My son said my dog then went behind a bush to take a shit, pausing long enough for him to grab him. Judos to trucker and dude, but the trucker was on a residential road he wasn't supposed to be on. Nah, they don't break laws, not around here. Never. Stupid fucks.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Sleepless in The 'Burgh, or close to it
Be careful what you wish for.
I asked the Sandman to help me escape from the pain of brain exploding migraines by putting me to sleep. Sleep I did, whilst he heartily laughed at my request.
"'Sleep', you said, not rest."
Dealing with the pain of a thousand daggers piercing the 3 lbs of wiggling gray matter in my skull was enough to drive me to self drilling a hole in my head. Not a pain free moment from Saturday to Tuesday, and just when I thought I was in the clear, the daggers came again. Never have I been brutalized in such a way. A migraine here or there, maybe two, but several days worth?
To top it off, I dreamt odd dreams. Eat your heart out Kurosawa! They almost seemed "Dreamscape" like. I felt at times that I was in control of the dreams and at others that someone else was pulling the strings -- a battle of wills -- so to speak. These dreams didn't even feel like dreams, I felt like I was actually living them, somehow. The people in them, genuinely surprised to see me there or expecting my arrival. I did nothing but talk to them. I knew who these people were, a couple of them didn't know me, but it was as if we all knew each other quite well. Seemed everyone was content on laying in bed to talk. Completely plutonic, it was just talk afterall, but laying on their beds -- whether it be their own or a bed used whilst traveling -- seemed to be the thing to do.
Every dream the same, since Saturday, them laying in bed, I, next to them, talking. I would try to move the conversation elsewhere, which would work for a while but the bed always ended up being the main area of conversation. They would fall asleep as -- toward the end --
it would turn into a particularly emotional conversation and I would watch them for a time, wiping tear drenched faces and brushing damp hair out of their face, savoring the peaceful, slow, monotony of their breathing as they slept. But I took on the pain, anguish and insecurities, from those who openly admitted to feeling it and from those who tried hard to hide it deep within. I'd leave them at the crack of dawn, knowing that when the sun came up, it would be a bright new day for them. I would smile, knowing the raw, emotional wounds would scar over and become a distant memory. In reality, I don't particularly like seeing people so vulnerable, it breaks my heart. I'm always at a loss for words and never say the "right thing". I most often commiserate, which I did a lot of in these dreams. Seemed like what they wanted, was someone to just vent to, knowing I'd keep it in complete confidence.
One in particular really got me thinking. I dreamt of him on June 1st. I'd never seen his house, much less his bedroom, before and when I did -- today -- I was a little more than shocked. It was the same room and bed I had seen in my dream. I don't know what to make of it. I haven't brought it up to him, just seems extraordinarily weird and I feel weird enough!
The point I'm trying to get here is that after waking up, I felt like I hadn't slept at all! Like it all happened in the blink of an eye. I woke up achey, stressed, exhausted and could feel the trickle of pain edging into my skull to signal another migraine on the attack.
Only one migraine today and I slept it off. Sort of...
I asked the Sandman to help me escape from the pain of brain exploding migraines by putting me to sleep. Sleep I did, whilst he heartily laughed at my request.
"'Sleep', you said, not rest."
Dealing with the pain of a thousand daggers piercing the 3 lbs of wiggling gray matter in my skull was enough to drive me to self drilling a hole in my head. Not a pain free moment from Saturday to Tuesday, and just when I thought I was in the clear, the daggers came again. Never have I been brutalized in such a way. A migraine here or there, maybe two, but several days worth?

Every dream the same, since Saturday, them laying in bed, I, next to them, talking. I would try to move the conversation elsewhere, which would work for a while but the bed always ended up being the main area of conversation. They would fall asleep as -- toward the end --

One in particular really got me thinking. I dreamt of him on June 1st. I'd never seen his house, much less his bedroom, before and when I did -- today -- I was a little more than shocked. It was the same room and bed I had seen in my dream. I don't know what to make of it. I haven't brought it up to him, just seems extraordinarily weird and I feel weird enough!
The point I'm trying to get here is that after waking up, I felt like I hadn't slept at all! Like it all happened in the blink of an eye. I woke up achey, stressed, exhausted and could feel the trickle of pain edging into my skull to signal another migraine on the attack.
Only one migraine today and I slept it off. Sort of...
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