And Now for Something Completely Different
In other news: I finally got access to an old Woad site. Eleven years and I was just now able to

access it. I deleted everything there but saved most of the text to a note on facebook. Great responses from "those in the know". I was aiming to just remove pics of "You-Know-Who" Then I stared at the pages, read what was on them and realized, this wild ride is over. And so with Woad, the pages went quietly into the night.
I look upon my days in Clan Woad with much fondness. Yet I revel in

seeing just how far some of us have come since then. We've all done a lot of growing up. Most of us settled in our lives. Some of us successfully so! Many of us still too geeky to leave those MMOs to the younger generation (because they're still too fucking fun!). We all left on separate paths and some of those paths have converged again, in parallel, with reconnections being made a decade later. The feeling is akin to a high school reunion, not that I've ever been to one, I'm "goth" remember and that's just too mainstream for me! ;) But I imagine it is. Clan Woad was awesome, the first step we took toward social media, to participating in the first MMORPG by Origin Systems, to making some lifelong (and dare I say, even familial!) connections to people hundreds - thousands - of miles away from us. Something that's so "normal" these days that one doesn't even blink when you mention talking to a friend in Finland.

I'd say "I'd like to have those days back", but the truth is, I wouldn't. It doesn't make any sense to live in the past. Memory - that's the best place for the past. Although its great to reminisce, the real adventure is here and now. Dream of the future, remember the past, but live in the present. I love making new memories and if those new memories include people from Woad, well, its the icing on the cake really!
UPDATE: Many of the old members of Clan Woad have found each other on Facebook. We've resurrected the Clan on World of Warcraft. The new website is but you'll find us on BeyondIRC in our old channel!
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