Sunday, January 26, 2014

Facebook Fail and Fake Service Dogs

So I posted a test on Facebook last week. I wanted to see just how many of my "friends" would actually help me out. I mean, that's what friends do, right, help each other out? Yeah... well... after 3 days and not posting much else in "Friends" view (so it would be seen as my last post)... look for yourself.

So the Facebook friend "experiment" is over and results are as expected, if not worse. Looks like I'll just have to hope Delila can do well in her training to be my service dog, seeing as no one wants to help me spread the word to raise money for one. If she doesn't pass, I'm shit outta luck I guess. I'm not gonna pass her off as a service dog if she can't perform like one, unlike some people. More on that later.

I have awesome friends. /sarcasm And people wonder why I suffer from MDD. Look at the people I'm surrounded by! Granted, I have a couple gems, but you might as well try to light up a dark stadium with a keychain flashlight fob. Oh well, at least I don't delete facebook comments that agree with me on passive aggressive posts. Ugh, childish.

Super disappointed in the Woadies I've known for decades. Though I shouldn't be, not after finding out how many were right-wing-fend-for-yourself types. Funny, for a political group based on "Christian values". What ever happened to "Love thy neighbor"? What ever happened to the "What Would Jesus Do"? The group founded on anti-slavery, protection of civil liberties and wholly against the plantation system (that could be considered the "corporations" of the day), has become the group promoting corporate slavery, banning gay marriage, controlling healthcare for women and keeping the poor, poor. 

Socialism is not a bad word, they just love to twist that shit around because they want control through fear. How very Christian.

CW: A guild started by a far left liberal atheist with socialistic guild values... whoda thought these guys would be attracted to that? Maybe that's why we always had so many arguments in guild chat. 

They call us liberals "bleeding hearts". Shouldn't they be the ones all about caring for each other, spreading goodwill and peace? Instead they don't want to help the poor or those less fortunate than them and they glorify war, the military and gun ownership. What a confusing group of people.

Anyway, at least our dog trainer is coming back to help with extra training at no charge! Thank goodness ADA laws allow you to train your own dog. But they need to tighten the rules for those who buy service dog gear and certifications online just so they can take their dog everywhere. Don't these people know they're being ripped off and just making it harder for those with real service dogs? Real service dogs don't need identification harnesses or labels. Making it look like they do, is wrong. Although mine will have a backpack to hold my medication and medical info with a label to identify that pocket and a patch that says not to separate me from her, the law doesn't require me to prove my dog is a service dog in any shape or form. I don't have to put "Service Dog" anywhere! Businesses are only allowed to ask two questions. All we need to do is answer those two questions. They are not allowed to say "Let me see"  or "Prove it". But these fake people are promoting the whole "Prove it" thing to business owners and spreading the misconception that all service dogs come with identification. And if their fake service dog acts out, well, guess who looks bad? Real service dogs! As if things aren't hard enough being disabled. These people make me sick! Almost as sick as people who don't care for other people!

Source: Service Dog Central

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