Since starting my business, and finally deciding on the which direction I wanted to take it, it's been non-stop work. Work that I can do at my own pace. I'm standing, sitting or laying down whenever I need to. I don't think there's another job out there that would afford me such accommodations. In fact, I've only held one job that would even remotely come close and that was with Tribal Voice. Still one of the best jobs I ever had... reminiscing again.
Lately, with my own business, I've been buried in research, looking for decently priced suppliers for feathers, gems, beads, findings and such. Not to mention event coordinating and getting my business into trade shows and conventions, which I hope will be a boon in advertising and sales. Then, of course, I'm busy making stuff to sell. I have so many ideas I want to make reality that my hands (and wallet) can't keep up! Not having the materials or means to quickly manufacture my designs into reality is just a bit frustrating. But I soldier on, through the pain, impatience, frustration, because I know, eventually, everything will come together and I can show off my work with pride!
I still can't believe life lead me here, working with gems and beads, making jewelry (of sorts). Why? My entire life I rebelled against jewelry. My mom was - is - a jewelry fanatic, always buying stuff on ACN and the jewelry shopping networks. She's been forcing jewelry on me since I was little and had to wear jade bracelets, the kind that you have to break off when you out grew it. *sigh*

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but it was the Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey that inspired me to start my own business making hair adornments! I love the descriptions she gives of the ones Firesong wears through out the series. I'm hoping to bring my interpretation of his hair feathers to life and share them with everyone! I've seen one person selling these hair "thongs", inspired by the same books, but I feel they were much too plain for someone like Firesong k'Treva. So I'm trying my hand at it, making elaborate, unique pieces, all handmade. Something I hope would do Firesong justice and gain approval from Misty herself!
BTW That's Darkwind in the pic just above. I couldn't find a good pic of Firesong with hair adornments. Oh, and I figure since so many people have drawn Hawkbrothers and Heralds in manga style, cosplaying one is fair game for an Anime convention!
My next show is the Steel City Con, a comic and toy show that boasts of being the largest toy show in the US! I wonder if any of the celebs will see my work and buy something, that'd be awesome!

This is a pic my daughter drew for me. The green and black fursuit head above is her's.
There are a couple other shows I'd like to be an exhibitor at for the US Pain foundation, all health related shows. Then there are the bead shows coming, 3 of them I think. I just want to attend the Bead Mercantile show in March but I'd like a space at the show in November, when they come back. The Intergalactic Bead Show is coming next month, but I think I'll just be a buyer there.
I got some really beautiful feathers in but I'm waiting for more findings to come in so I can weave my "magic" and create some beautiful pieces! I feel each one is a work of art. No two are ever exact and I pour my heart and soul into each piece. I just hope others love them as much as I do!
I think this was a long enough update. I still need to update the store blog!
P.S. I've opened a Listia account for giving away free stuff, check it out! You should see the widget at the top of my blog's right side column. Who knows what I'll throw in there!
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